Center for the Promotion of Global Education


2018年1月号 国際文化学部 Y.K







Taking the SAT or ACT is required. A minimum score is required for all universities, and some universities have higher requirements. Evaluation in high school is also a factor, with colleges paying attention to a student’s grade point average (GPA). This is probably the most important factor in a student’s application. AP (Advanced Placement) are also important: these classes teach college-level material over a year, and at the end administer a cumulative exam (AP exam). These tests are quite rigorous and students typically only have one chance to take them. If a student performs well on the exam, they can earn college credit, which allows them to skip that class in college. Extracurricular activity is also very important for more prestigious universities: these can include involvement in sports teams, academics clubs, band or orchestra, tutoring, volunteering, and even part-time jobs. More prestigious universities may also require an essay to be written, and/or require recommendation letters from high school teachers. High performance in either of these four areas—SAT/ACT, AP classes, GPA, extracurriculars—can be very helpful for a student applying to colleges. Neither one, however, is the end-all be-all.

The system of affirmative action is also a factor. While it too is not the sole factor in one’s acceptance into college, it does hold some sway over the college application process. Affirmative action is designed to allow students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and/or students who are of an ethnic minority to gain preference in the application process. In practice, this means that if two students have the same credentials in high school—similar SAT scores, high GPA, similar extracurriculars—but one student is white and from a wealthy household, while the other student is African-American and from a poorer household, the African-American student will typically gain admittance.

The SAT is a standardized exam offered across the United States to high school students. It does not evaluate specific academic information; it is an assessment of a student’s critical thinking skills. The SAT is divided between a math section and a reading section. Both of these sections require only a minimum level of academic knowledge, but the questions are designed to test a student’s logic and reasoning skills.

The ACT is a separate exam and tests a variety of different subject matter. It should cover every academic subject matter that the typical high school student learns in high school. It is divided into several sections, including a math, reading, writing, and science section. It is different from the SAT because it focuses on subject matter and academic knowledge, as opposed to the SAT’s focus on critical thinking, logic, and reasoning.

Both exams are accepted by American universities. Students can choose to take either exam, or both. Students can take both exams as many times as they want, but the exams cost a significant amount of money to take.



Literature (or English) and many other liberal arts and humanities-related degrees simply do not offer the job opportunities as other technical degrees. Companies in the U.S. pay special attention to what a student majors in, and it is an indication of the skills a potential employee possess.


Students mostly go to college right out of high school (at the age of 18). Some may take a gap year to work or relax, but it is very common to go to college right out of high school. For specific degree programs or very competitive fields like medicine or law this is the preferred route. However, certain fields are less restrictive, and students may go to college at whatever age they want and earn their degree over five years or more. This is uncommon, however, and most students go to college at the age of 18 and graduate at 22, and then start working.